Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalyptus of the Myrtle family is an evergreen fast-growing trees with leaves ovate-heart-shaped. They are truly amazing, because they constantly monitor the finding of sunlight, moving their leaf plates in the direction of ultraviolet rays. In the wild, eucalyptus can be found only on the" marsupial continent " and the adjacent archipelagos, but in the southern regions of our country is growing his brother, able to withstand lower temperatures. The chemical composition of eucalyptus leaves is quite multifaceted: up to 3% of essential oil, the main component of which is cineol, flavonoids and tannins.


This is Interesting:

Eucalyptus is the most important representative of the flora of Australia: for example, it is the only component of the diet of koalas, which, eating leaves, quench not only hunger but also thirst. In addition, eucalyptus is a natural pump, so if you need to drain the wetlands, eucalyptus will help you with this.


How is it Used in Medicine:

In medicine, infusions and decoctions of eucalyptus leaves, as well as essential oil are used as an antiseptic when rinsing the throat and inhalation.


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