Pimpinella (Pimpinella saxifrage)

Pimpinella (Pimpinella saxifrage)

An annual grassy plant in height up to 0.5 meters.

As wild is found on the Sunny edges and meadows, widely cultivated.

Pimpinella fruits contain up to 3% essential oil, the main component of which is anethol (80-90 %). The seed kernel of anise fruit contains a significant amount of fatty oil (up to 25 %). Essential oil of pimpenella was registered in early editions of the Russian Pharmacopoeia.


This is Interesting:

An annual grassy plant in height up to 0.5 meters.

In the wild it is found on the Sunny edges and meadows, widely cultivated.

The plant is well known since ancient times. In ancient times, the Roman market was considered the most popular anise from Crete and Northern Egypt. The verdict of the "Capitulare de Villis" of Charlemagne recommended anise as a plant "useful" for mandatory universal cultivation. In Russia in the broader culture Anis was introduced in the XIX century, immediately won the European market under the name "Anis Russian".


How is it Used in Medicine:

An annual grassy plant in height up to 0.5 meters.

As wild is found on the Sunny edges and meadows, widely cultivated.

Essential oil is used as an expectorant and stimulating activity of the intestine, it is part of the ammonia-anise drops, breast elixir, dry cough medicine for adults and children. The fruits are part of the chest and laxative fees and are used as a carminative.


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